合氣道国際平和文化交流倶楽部 AIPACEC アイパセック  
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今村 樹憲 師範

 今村師範は、1965年春より本部道場及び本部直轄の新橋道場にて合気道を始め、翌年埼玉大学合気道部を創設し、初代部長として合気道の心技を切磋琢磨し、また後輩の育成にも尽力、その後白光真宏会の合気道部を創設されました。 1992年には、ロシア・シベリア地区にて合気道の指導及び組織作りの支援を開始、1993年7月に(旧)北海道国際合気道協会設立(2013年に合氣道国際平和文化交流倶楽部に名称変更)。今村師範が創設時より会長に就任し今日に至っております。




現在北海道内ではA&P合気道平和塾、道央合氣道会、白滝自由の森道場、滝川合気会、様似合気会など7道場・団体で指導を行っています。 また、国内でも四国、東海、関東地域で年数回、更に海外ではロシア各地(モスクワ、ノボシビルスク、ハバロフスク、ウラジオストク、ブラゴベチェンスク、コムサモルスク・ナ・アムール、シベリアのバルナウール等)、ヨーロッパ(オーストリア、ウクライナ、リトアニア、ポーランド、ハンガリー、チェコ等)からの招聘により年4回程度海外での合気道の指導・普及に尽力してきました。また、2012年4月には、アメリカ(モンタナ州ミズーリ)でセミナーを開催しています。





(財団法人合気会 七段位)


What do you seek in Aikido?

Tatsunori Imamura

Aikido is fundamentally There is no match in combatant form. Therefore Aikido do not decides who is winner or loser. Once the form of match to decide winner or loser in combatant form is applied, it is no longer called Aikido. When I was much younger I was tempted to compete to determine who is stronger. However, I realized match in combatant form should not be taken place under any circumstance in Aikido because Aikido is art of harmony, not hostility. That may be the exact reason why Aikido attracts people in different way compared to other forms of martial art.


What is Aiki? Chinese character for Aikido is 合気道, which can be translated into "the way of Aiki" in Japanese. "Ai" means putting things together and "Ki" means spirit, so the meaning of Aikido is "the way of putting spirits together". But who put spirit together with whom? That is the question I always ask myself. The sound of "Ai" can also mean love, once the founder said. So Aiki can also mean "loving spirit", hence Aikido can also mean "the way of loving spirit".


Individual purification, global purification The founder of Aikido once said that Aikido is an art of individual purification, and the global purification at the same time. It is, somehow, the relationship of cause and effect. By practicing Aikido, one may purify his/her body and soul. It is my strong belief that practicing the art of Aikido can be the first step towards creation of world harmony; honing one's skill with colleagues may lead to individual purification, and eventually lead to purification of the world as the world is collective form of individuals essentially. One may be creating a path for the world peace without knowing it this way. Aikido can breakthrough the boundaries of countries. It is beyond boundaries, ethnicities and cultural differences. Our founder had been striving towards his ideal, namely world peace, by getting rid of walls that divide people in the world to promote unity among us through practicing and spreading Aikido. I suppose we, as practitioners of Aikido, are expected to go the same way as our founder did to pursue the mission of Aikido by our founder. It is my dearest hope to make some contribution for the creation of the world peace through teaching and practicing Aikido hand in hand with Aikido practitioners with same goals of around the world.

May Peace Prevail on Earth

合氣道国際平和文化交流倶楽部 Aikido International Peace And Culture Exchange Club -AIPACECアイパセック-
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